أصداء الشروق

Dr. Rashel – Cleansing Foam

19 ر.س

Dr. Rashel – Cleansing Foam:

  • An extract that has the ability to revitalize, renew and moisturize the skin.
  • For deep hydration, locks in moisture, helps improve skin tone and other problems.
  • Aloe Vera extract has a gentle nature and has the ability to refresh the skin, replenish moisture and moisturize the skin.
  • Rich in active ingredients that gently cleanse skin pores while removing dirt, germs and makeup.
  • Soap-free cleansing base removes impurities, leaving skin fresh and hydrated.
  • Helps rebalance sebum production and leaves skin completely matte.
  • Gently cleanses and removes makeup from face and eyes.

Aloe Vera Cleansing Foam 125ml, Aloe Vera Cleansing Foam 125ml, رغوة لتنظيف البشرة بخلاصة حمض الهيالورونيك 125مل, رغوة لتنظيف البشرة بخلاصة فيتامين سي ونياسيناميد 125مل

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